with Victoria Morley

This is the portal to a new reality.

To a new level of self leadership.

A new era of personal power.

Accessing new levels of your gifts and magnetism.

Collapsing timelines in ways that don’t make sense.

Moving in complete alignment to your highest timeline.

Blowing your mind with what you’re capable of.

Speaking with complete conviction in your authority.

Creating from another place in time and space.

You’ve felt this level of possibility for some time but now you’re ready to become the person who can make all of this happen

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welcome to

A groundbreaking programme designed to help you press fast forward on turning your soul aligned vision into your *life* by shifting into the identity of the person who’s already manifested it.

You have a deep knowing that you are meant for so much more than what’s in your current reality. While you already have a business and life you love…

You are ready for a business and life that blows your mind.

well, prepare to have your mind blown…

You’ve outgrown your level of business…

You are a genius at your work, a rockstar to your clients, and you earn good money. You enjoy life, but there’s also a nagging feeling that you’re capable of so much more. It’s time to address this and…

stop questioning if you are on the right path 

Second guessing on what action to take to grow your business and income is driving you nuts.

Your client dramas (paying late or not renewing) impacting your emotions which have a knock on effect on your day.

And the power in which you show up being directly relative to the number of sales you’ve made that day or week.

You also feel like you’re filtered *how* you show up, what you say and the degree of leadership vibes you are giving off.

And you know this isn’t the vibe that’s going to help you scale your business to multi-six-figures or beyond anytime soon…

You are so ready for a level of growth in your business that defies logic.

To have the level of clarity and trust

in your intuition to make moves which don’t always makes sense but result in insane levels of growth in your income and impact.

To be able to lead yourself

and your business no matter what is happening external to you.

To have full belief and trust

that you're moving in line with your highest timeline and vision.

To be able to raise your standards

and continuously meeting your needs first.



When you shift your beliefs to align with your boldest vision, master your emotional intelliegnce, and become an energetic match for the reality you desire you will shift identity. 

And when you shift your identity… 

You’ll collapse timelines, manifest incredible outcomes and it will feel effortless.

Journeying to your next level in business does not come from working harder (you already work so damn hard). It comes from becoming the person who can hold the vision, hold the energy, hold the belief and move from there. Amd moving from *that* place is how you create illogical growth in the most sustainable and magical way.

this is what

does for you.

See for yourself…

luci said

“In less than 24 hours of my 1:1 with Victoria, I’d made more in an afternoon than I had in over 2 months. You cannot make this up. The Victoria effect is MAGIC.”

jo said

“If you are wanting to reach your potential and see what’s truly meant for you, Victoria is your woman. Her expertise, encouragement, and unwavering support have enabled me to not only grow in my profession but also to stand alongside individuals I deeply admire.”

katie said

“I had two 1:1 clients sign up within hours of posting and a huge wave of new enquiries just from one post. She doesn't just do it for you, she shows you how to do it for yourself!”

The industry’s first and only programme combining identity work and soul activation.

Shifting your identity to become a match for your next level is one thing.

Shifting your identity to become a match for your soul-aligned vision is another.

is not about ordinary growth; it’s about exponential growth, creating a legacy, and waking up each day in awe of your wildly abundant life.

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Why Soul Activation Matters

Soul activation is the key differentiator of ID|ENTITY™. 

It taps into the deepest parts of your being, aligning you with your soul’s true purpose and the highest vision for your life. 

This alignment ensures that the growth and success you achieve are not just fast but fulfilling and sustainable. 



Starting September join early bird now at 80% off

The Modules

  • Identity Mapping: Map out your current identities programming and coding.

    Tolerance mapping: Understand your current tolerance levels.

  • Highest Timeline: Connect deeply with your soul’s purpose and vision.

    Soul Activation: Activate the codes and wisdom from the verison who's already achieved the desire.

  • Energetic Alignment: Harness the power of energy to manifest your desires.

    Complex Belief Re-Coding: Eliminate limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones.

    Emotional Intelligence: Develop the ability to handle emotions constructively.

  • Shadow Integration: Embrace and alchemise your shadow self.

    Inner Child Cohesion: Bring your inner child into alignment.

    Identity Anchoring: Solidify your new identity and ensure lasting change.

  • Rapid Transformation: Techniques to collapse timelines and achieve results faster.

    Authentic Expression: Embrace and express your true self with confidence.

  • Identity Rituals: Daily practices to reinforce your new identity.

    Complete Alignment: Achieve full physical, emotional, energetic, spiritual, and mental alignment with your desired reality.


Starting September join early bird now at 80% off


Exclusive Bonuses

Audio Series

Access a series of powerful audios designed to enhance your identity shift and keep you aligned with your goals.


Multi-Six-Figure Masterclass

Gain insights from an exclusive masterclass that will equip you with the tools and knowledge to achieve multi-six-figure success.



Early bird offer, usually £1,111

Invest in yourself today and secure your spot at this special rate. Remember, this programme is a gateway to a new reality.

expiring pricing


pay in full

Identity Shifting™ Programme across six potent modules

  • Weekly live Q&A/hot seat coaching calls

  • Powerful lessons, activations and teachings to help you shift and integrate your new identity

  • Lifetime access to all upgrades and updates

  • Dedicated Community to celebrate your wins and feel supported as you shift


pay in two

Identity Shifting™ Programme across six potent modules

  • Weekly live Q&A/hot seat coaching calls

  • Powerful lessons, activations and teachings to help you shift and integrate your new identity

  • Lifetime access to all upgrades and updates

  • Dedicated Community to celebrate your wins and feel supported as you shift

isn't just for business owners. 

You see, the shift in your identity ripples out into every single part of your life because your identity has created every single part of your life, your relationships, your friendships, how you speak to yourself, how you treat yourself, how you nourish yourself, the whispers you speak to yourself, all this has created the things you love, and also the things that you don't want…

I feel like I have left 1000 identities so far from being the young, hopeful girl. never felt good enough. But wanted to change the world to becoming the unconfident teenager who felt worthiness was achieved by getting people liking her up to what she wanted because she didn't know what she wanted.

In my late teens, I’d discovered I could mask my pain at partys and in my twentys I was in narcissistic relationships where I suffered all sorts of abuse. 

I spent 20 years building a very successful corporate career earning amounts of money and always dreamed and remained so unhappy and unfulfilled. And I knew something had to change. 

I knew I had to change and I realised I had complete control over what I'd created

And as I courageously handed in my notice to my six figure salary, maternity pay, being seven weeks pregnant, I launched my first business three years ago. 

I grew that business rapidly in the first year which replaced my corporate salary. 

My second year in business I grew brand new business to multi six figures. And I've continued to grow since my secret. I recognise that every level I stay up is another opportunity for me to shift identities.

Recognise each time I create a reality or a situation so you can get out of your plateau and step into your next level.

Hi I’m Victoria,

and i’m the creator of identity shifting™

This programme is perfect for you if…

You are ready to take radical responsibility for your success.

You desire to grow a wildly successful, soul-aligned business.

You are eager to step into a new era of self-leadership and transformation.

You want to achieve these goals effortlessly and joyfully.


  • "I had two 1:1 clients sign up within hours!"

    She's called me up to get audacious about the power of my own work and it has brought in a whole new level of wonderful people to my world. I had two 1:1 clients sign up within hours of posting and a huge wave of new enquiries just from one post. She doesn't just do it for you, she shows you how to do it for yourself and have the confidence to shine a powerful light on your own gifts again and again. Soo good!


  • "You cannot make this up. The Victoria effect is MAGIC."

    I was in the kind of financial slump that honestly felt suffocating. I’m certified in mindset work and energy clearing and even I couldn’t see the wood for the trees to ‘mind over matter’ my way out of it… and then I had a half VIP day with Victoria…

    What started as a call to refine my offers ended up an accidental rebrand, complete overhaul of my design services and finally owning my brand as the expert face of it.

    Within 10 minutes (!!) of publishing my website changes, I had my first enquiry in months. In under 24 hours, a past client I loved requested out-of-the-blue that I build her a bespoke service that I don’t officially offer and it was paid in full within the hour, and another past client paid an invoice that was 18 months old.

    In less than 24 hours of my 1:1 with Victoria, I’d made more in an afternoon than I had in over 2 months.

    Her approach is like that of a best friend who truly sees you and wants the best for you, but will absolutely call you out on the limiting beliefs you know you’re trying to hide. She pushes you out of your comfort zone in a way that feels safe to a level that is hard to describe, and the results speak for themselves.


  • "Victoria helped me step into roles I once only dreamed of."

    In the last 2 years, I have worked with Victoria and have gone from being a therapist with an over booked diary to learning how to work smarter and become an educator and speaker.

    Working with Victoria has been a huge journey. She has helped me unlock my potential as a therapist, trainer, and businesswoman. With her guidance, I found the confidence to turn my ideas into reality and step into roles I once only dreamed of.

    If you are wanting to reach your potential and see what’s truly meant for you, Victoria is your woman. Her expertise, encouragement, and unwavering support have enabled me to not only grow in my profession but also to stand alongside individuals I deeply admire.



is not just about business growth; it’s about transforming every aspect of your life. By becoming a match for your desired reality—emotionally, physically, energetically, spiritually, and mentally—you’ll create the life and business of your dreams.

Join today and experience the power of the shift

Don’t wait another moment to start living the life you’ve always dreamed of. Enroll in the Identity Shifting™ Programme today and take the first step towards your new reality.